Sunday, August 29, 2021

Welcome Visitors


We were so excited to be able to spend a few days with my folks, who drove up from Arizona for an all-too-brief visit.  

It was great to be able to relax and enjoy each other's company.  We went into town a few times to visit King's Saddlery Museum, to shop and to enjoy ice cream in Kendrick Park.  Of course we drove up into the mountains one day.  We were grateful for a good day with the wind blowing the smoke away from us for a change.  We could see most of the mountain peaks, and Thane & Dad were able to spend some time fly fishing.
Back at home, the kids spent time working on their golf skills in the back field.  Even Mom took a stab at it!

One night we celebrated Dad's birthday.  It's always such a treat to be together for these occasions! Sadly, Dad and Mom are on their way back home.  Until we meet again!

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