Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hometown Perks

We finally feel like we are settled in our new home here in Wyoming.  There are a bunch of perks:

-Starbucks is only 1.1 miles from our driveway (happy dance!  happy dance!)
-There are a plethora of dining options.
-The sun shines here a lot - even in the winter.
-We enjoy big city amenities with a distinct, welcoming home town feel.
-Most importantly, we get to hang out with Jordan's grandparents.

Grampa has taken Thane out to the ranch on several occasions to learn about the authentic cowboy life, while Gramma and Annabel enjoy baking and hanging out at home.  Grampa and Jordan have even taken Thane hunting a time or two, much to Thane's delight.  Another perk is that wildlife is plentiful here in Wyoming.  With a small town plot, we aren't able to raise our meat but are grateful for this beautiful state's abundant elk and deer which will keep us fed over the winter months.

It's been an adjustment, but life is good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have moved from your slip stone straw bale house to Wyoming? No !