Thursday, September 12, 2019

Arches National Park

On Sunday we visited Arches National Park.  While the scenery is super cool, we were a bit underwhelmed.  Perhaps it was because the park is crowded or that it somehow felt lacking after Canyonlands, but either way we all agreed that this was not our favorite. 

That's not to say that it wasn't beautiful in its way.  The beginning of the park, especially, has a great mountain view with a field of undulating rocks that almost looked like a funky eiderdown quilt. 
We all enjoyed the walk around balancing rock, which is much larger (and more precariously perched) than it appears in the following photo:
The far end of the park holds the remnants of an old ranch nestled in a valley.  We enjoyed exploring this area, and the kids especially liked the close up view of some Indian petroglyphs from a rock outcropping on the ranch.
As we are in the last days of our great adventure, Jordan and I are really proud of how much the kids have grown over the summer.  They've been pushed to their limit both physically and emotionally, and they have met each challenge with grit. 
We are all looking forward to getting settled and back into a routine, but we will all hold special memories of our trip.  Only a few more stops before we reach our new home...

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