Wednesday, June 19, 2019

History Lives Here

Thane and best buddy Liam participated in the re-enactment of a Revolutionary War skirmish that occurred in Machias in 1775.  The event was held in conjunction with Margareta Days, a festival celebrating the first naval battle of the War for Independence.  This battle was fought on the Machias River, and several of the re-enactors are direct descendants of men who fought that day.

The skirmish started on a quiet afternoon while kids were playing in town, their parents toiling at their farms, homes and places of business.

Suddenly, a small regiment of soldiers break into the town square to arrest a local.

The unfortunate man is bound in chains as the children rush off to inform their parents.

The town is outraged, and quickly form a militia to rescue the man.  Fighting ensues.

The Redcoats suffer losses, and the imprisoned man is rescued.

The boys were thrilled to participate in this historic event.  Many thanks to the local re-enactors club for allowing the children to participate!

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