Tuesday, May 21, 2019


In the hustle and bustle of our lives in recent weeks, this guy has been a rock.  Jordan works his heart out all day long but still manages to have energy left to help pack up the house, do a bunch of side work and spend time doing the things that are special to each of us.  He and Annabel held a movie marathon last weekend; later he and Thane went fishing.

My special time was a weekend in southern Maine/New Hampshire.  The two of us were able to get a quick trip to Portsmouth, where we literally ate our way through the weekend.  We also got a tour of Strawbery Banke (a colonial village) and hiked through Vaughn's Woods to the Hamilton House (childhood favorites).  He's even taken up photography, a passion of mine, so that we can learn together.
Doing life with this guy can be intense - but it's all good.  And the clock is ticking toward our next grand adventure.  Only 40 days to go.  Stay tuned...

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