Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas Eve

I have come to love the frenzied, task-driven days leading up to Christmas almost as much as the day itself.  There are concerts to attend, goodies to bake, gifts to purchase, parcels to mail, presents to wrap, cards to sign, stockings to stuff, schedules to manage... and the list goes on.  It's fun, but overwhelming to think about and exhausting to execute!
Which is why we really enjoy Christmas Eve.  This is the day that we generally set aside to deliver little gifts to our friends around the neighborhood.  This year it was homemade apple cake and caramel sauce.  The gifts are fun to make, but its the relaxed few minutes we spend with each of our neighbors that make these visits special.  It's a joy to really connect after snippets of passing conversation in the grocery store or at the post office over the past 12 months.
At the end of the day, we sit in front of the fire, talk about the day, and open up our Christmas Eve presents, which always consist of a new Christmas movie and book to enjoy.
We have hot cocoa with giant marshmallows, scarf down way too many sweets, and then tuck the kids in for the night.  I stuff the stockings, bask in the glow of the Christmas tree, and enjoy the luxury of a silent night.
We are so grateful for our blessings, the greatest of which is our Mighty God humbling Himself to come to earth as a baby.  He grew and loved his neighbors, ultimately giving the best gift of all - eternal life for those who believe in Him.

Merry Christmas Eve to all - and to all a good night!

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