Friday, October 19, 2018

Fryeburg Fair

I have a confession to make.  I was raised in Maine and have lived here for over half of my life, but I've never been to the famed Fryeburg Fair.  I've always wanted to go, but I was either too young or too busy.  At long last, I can finally check that off my bucket list.  
The kids and I left Downeast Maine on a Friday afternoon, spent a short night in Scarborough, and then headed over to Fryeburg at 5:00am with my Uncle Carl, Aunt Judy & Cousin Liz.  The early bird truly gets the worm as we were the 7th & 8th cars in line.  What a day!
We visited the booths (here's Thane with the marine recruiters), shopped, viewed all of the animals in their respective barns and literally ate our way through the grounds.  In a rather foolish turn of events, we opted to go on the rides AFTER we ate - not the smartest thing we've ever done.
We met up with Uncle Dale, Cousin Katie and her two girls, and I even saw a few people from Machias including Christine, a co-worker from UMM who gave demonstrations on cranberry processing.
It was a chilly, smelly, loud, crowded, whirling, gut-splitting, hilarious day - and we wouldn't have wanted it any other way!

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