Sunday, January 14, 2018

Mother Nature vs. the Lentz'

Comparatively speaking, we have it fairly easy in the western world.  We don't scramble for resources with (literally) billions of our fellow countrymen and with those in neighboring regions, we have access to first rate medical care and we have government and relief organizations that readily provide aid when disasters hit.  While all of this is a blessing, these luxuries have a tendency to make us think that we are impervious to the forces of nature.  Guess what?  We're not!

Here at the Lentz house, the new year hasn't had the most auspicious start.  Nasty head colds have given way to a stomach bug that liked us so much it decided to visit for a few weeks.  Thankfully, we have finally convinced the germs to move along (good riddance!)
We have also experienced extremely cold temperatures (a coworker of mine was recently praising the warmth we felt during the 18 degree high temperature for the day).  Over the weekend we finally got a reprieve from the relentless frigid temps, but it came in the form of a storm that had sustained high winds and clouds that dumped 3" of rain overnight.  One look at our brook will reveal that this is no mere exaggeration.  Our normally placid Libby Brook has officially overrun its banks:
Mother nature: 2
Lentz': 0

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