Monday, October 23, 2017

Field Trip

Last summer the kids reminded me that I have not accompanied them on a class field trip since 2014.  Bad mom!  So when Thane's teacher asked for chaperones for their trip to Campobello Island (Canada), I volunteered.
Campobello is the site of Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt's summer home, and it also contains the world's only international park (co-owned by Canada and the U.S.).  We even had to cross the border, which generated much discussion and awe amongst the 7 and 8 year old participants! (What?  You didn't go to another country on your 2nd grade field trip?!?)
The park staff were AMAZING with the kids.  The kids were so busy having fun that they completely missed the fact that they were being educated.  We learned about the Roosevelt family & presidency, toured their (ahem) modest cottage, watched a video, played games, and walked like Egyptians (see photo below).
The children even got to learn about the hilarious antics of the 12 dogs that lived off and on in the Roosevelt White House, and then did some arts and crafts related to what they learned.
It was great fun, and I'm already planning to ask for time off for Annabel's field trip.

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