Sunday, April 9, 2017

Just Another Day in Maine

Comparatively speaking we can't really complain about the winter weather too much this year.  That being said, however, we're more than ready for spring.  The extra hours of sunlight and increasingly blue skies make us all yearn to be outside.  Last weekend the urge to breathe fresh air proved too much, and we took the kids for a hike after church on Sunday.
  We went trekking through the acreage behind our home - literally over the river and through the woods.  We hiked a 4 mile loop that included a picnic lunch from Scribner Hill with its view of Bucks Harbor in the distance.
We forded several streams and brooks, and passed through an area with strange mounds (which we have named the Indian burial grounds).  We saw recent signs of moose, the kids scared off an owl and we all admired the destructive strength of the woodpeckers (see above).
Just another day in Maine with these two critters!