Sunday, October 23, 2016

To Grandmother's House We Go

When Jordan and I were developing an alternate plan for our vacation, the one thing central to all of our planning was taking time to visit my grandmother in Michigan.  Gram and I are close, and I've been wanting to get to the mid-west to see her for a couple of years.

We pulled off a surprise visit, and spent a couple of days catching up and hearing stories about Gramma's childhood and early years of marriage.  She even took me to see the home in which she grew up.  Sadly, the home and farm land surrounding it was recently purchased and will most likely be demolished to make way for a new development.
We stayed at my Aunt Joy & Uncle Randy's home, which is always a blast.  We took a stroll along Lake Michigan,
and got into trouble with Aunt Joy (no surprise for those of you who know her!)
Gramma even made me a batch of my favorite fudge, a special treat which didn't last long!
I was pretty devastated about our canceled trip to Europe, but I am so very, very glad that I was able to spend time with my Michigan family instead.  Any time spent with Gramma is precious to me, and I won't ever forget our time together.

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