Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Birthtea Party

Anyone who was born within a week of Christmas knows how difficult it can be to fit a birthday party in during the holidays.  Other commitments, out-of-town plans and an acute lack of funds conspire to make such parties sparse affairs.  Although on this, Annabel's 8th year, we may have hit upon a solution.
Last Sunday (a few weeks before her actual birthday), Annabel and three guests joined us for a Christmas Tea Party at Chandler River Lodge, a local restaurant.  A proper 3 course dinner was served, with each course better than the last.  Sticky chocolate hands down, the winner was the last course, which would have satisfied even the pickiest sweet tooth.
One unexpected treat was that our waitress was family friend Linda, who kept the tea flowing - fake British accent and all.
The girls were dressed to the "nines," and they were very polite and proper.
 It was a jolly good time!

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