Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Blessings

We had a wonderful, albeit quiet, holiday by ourselves this year.  It did start a bit earlier than planned, when Annabel awoke at 3:28am and just couldn't manage to get herself back to sleep.  She was a bit bleary-eyed throughout the day:
Still, the special gifts from family & friends made everyone feel just a little bit warmer and closer.  For instance, we all enjoyed learning more about my Dad's childhood memories at his home in Scarborough and at camp near Bodfish with special books that he wrote & illustrated for us:
The kids got in on the action as well, bestowing on us gifts secretly made in the shop.  Here's a couple of battleships they made for Jordan with items found here and there:
We have dubbed this year "Camo Christmas," as Thane received more than his fair share of his very favorite material.  He was more than happy to corral it all in his new pup tent, a gift from Jordan's folks.  Thank goodness this was one of the last presents he opened, as Thane immediately squirreled himself inside and almost refused to come out to open more gifts.
Annabel was thrilled with her decidedly more feminine gifts, and she always appreciates getting more arts & crafts supplies:
Merry Christmas from the Lentz!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl

Annabel turned eight this past Friday, and we had a great day celebrating our little bundle of song & dance.  We enjoyed her favorite dinner (chicken bacon pasta, garlic bread and strawberries), which was washed down with some chocolate chip kahlua cake with cream cheese frosting - YUM!

Then we opened presents.  She loved the American Girl doll books from my folks, and the matching quilts that my sister sewed for her (one for her and one for her dolls). 
She also loved her new "bling-y" dress from Jordan's parents, and the hunting rifle that her Daddy got for her.  I think that the following picture captures her perfectly:
 Happy Birthday - we love you so much!

Christmas Preparations

December has flown by and, like you, we have been busy preparing for the holidays.  One of my favorite Christmas chores is decorating the house.  I just loved finding the perfect spot for my new "Merry Christmas" sign, which I found at an antique store in Gouldsboro.
I'm also embracing natural decor, like pine cones, which look really great with the green accents and brown transferware featured in the dining room:
The kids have been a big help with baking this year.  Here's the results of this morning's efforts:

The trees are finally up, and I just love relaxing on the sofa and enjoying the soft glow of its lights at the end of a long day.
I hope that you too have had the chance to enjoy the delights of the season!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Birthtea Party

Anyone who was born within a week of Christmas knows how difficult it can be to fit a birthday party in during the holidays.  Other commitments, out-of-town plans and an acute lack of funds conspire to make such parties sparse affairs.  Although on this, Annabel's 8th year, we may have hit upon a solution.
Last Sunday (a few weeks before her actual birthday), Annabel and three guests joined us for a Christmas Tea Party at Chandler River Lodge, a local restaurant.  A proper 3 course dinner was served, with each course better than the last.  Sticky chocolate hands down, the winner was the last course, which would have satisfied even the pickiest sweet tooth.
One unexpected treat was that our waitress was family friend Linda, who kept the tea flowing - fake British accent and all.
The girls were dressed to the "nines," and they were very polite and proper.
 It was a jolly good time!