Sunday, September 6, 2015

Boys Will Be Boys

As usual, the first signs of cool weather send the Lentz household into a frenzy.  There are gardens to harvest, fruit & veggies to store for the dark winter months and firewood to cut and stack.  Now that Thane is almost the, ahem, ripe old age of 6, he has decided that he needs to contribute his share.  Thus, he is now the proud owner of a small axe which he uses to split kindling.  He takes this job very seriously and observes Jordan's technique closely.
While still a novice, Thane's wood splitting ability has improved, and he follows the "dangerous tool" rules implicitly (upon threat of immediate removal of said sharp instrument).
This is all voluntary, mind you - there's no child labor laws being violated here.  His reward, at the end of the day, is to go goose hunting with Jordan and his buddies.
A job well done by all.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some goose chili to make.

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