Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fairy Land

Annabel, Thane and I all enjoyed a nice 4 day weekend, mostly because the weather was gorgeous and I kept kicking the kids outside.  After the first day, I was getting tired of hearing "I'm bored," so I gave the kids a mission:  build a fairy house.  To my relief, they did.  And they even one-upped me by building an entire village!
Fairy Land was placed on the side porch, where they hoped they could entice the fickle fairies to come out of hiding from the high grass just beyond the porch.  Annabel made a sign imploring the fairies to please come, please eat and please stay.
They even made a handmade sign directing any hungry visitors to the berry store.
A circus was provided to further entice any pixies, who we all know thrive on frivolity and daring pursuits.
Thane's major contribution was a barn, of course.  He also added a cool little tree made out of an old lobster buoy and some leaves.
It doesn't appear that any flying elves have taken advantage of our hospitality thus far, but we haven't given up hope just yet.  We'll keep you posted!

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