Monday, April 7, 2014

Going 80 in a 40

Two weeks ago, I found myself back in Baltimore, visiting old friends and grazing my way through some of the best restaurants in town.  Actually, grazing might be too mild a word - gobbling at the trough might be a more accurate description!  That first night I got to see one of my most cherished childhood friend's cozy new home. Then I got to spend a wonderful evening with my old boss and his wonderful family.  Words can not describe how proud I am of all of their children who are growing up so quickly, and the people that they are becoming. 

After spending the day visiting old friends at Hopkins, I found myself surprising my dear friend, C, who turned 80 earlier in the month.  C's brother and his wife helped me cook up and execute our little scheme, and it worked perfectly.  After a delicious birthday dinner at Red Lobster (and don't you even think about telling any of my friends & family in Maine!), we headed home to get rest before the real fun began.

C and I left her house Saturday morning around 9am, fully expecting to be back between 12 and 1.  And we did, except that it was 12-1am later that night!  Along the way, we had breakfast with two of my BFF's, tea with "home away from home" family Karen & Emily Janssen, prom dress shopping (for Ems, not me!), several coffee breaks with assorted snacks, middle eastern food for lunch, a movie, crepes and even more coffee in the Inner Harbor.

Just when I thought we'd be heading home, we got a call from another great friend, Polly, who was heading downtown to hear her son's band play at a popular, upscale pub on the water.  That's all C needed to hear, and we were off.  It was truly a night to remember with awesome music, great conversation with the crew of HBO's "Veep" and a surprise run in with the Red Sox, who were in town for the O's opening day. 

Sunday proved just as busy with more visits, parties and food, including dinner with my friend B (and C!) at the Melting Pot.  Proper Irish tea and scones followed at B's house, with her wonderful family Aedan, Maureen and Thomas.
I had the absolute BEST weekend, but man, am I exhausted.  Here's hoping that I have as much umpf and energy as C does when I'm 50 (forget about 80)!  Happy Birthday C - much love to you!!

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