Sunday, February 16, 2014

Highs and Lows

It's been a quiet week here.  Jordan has battled the flu, so not much work has gotten done on the new house.  Thane now has the same crud, and he has (for the very first time in his little life) spent all but 30 minutes of today in bed.  That, if you know Thane, is quite remarkable.  Poor little man!
Luckily, Annabel & I have managed to avoid getting sick, although we had a bit of drama with Annabel when her top tooth fell out shortly after dinner last night. 
Yikes - with a crazed face like that, let's hope that the tooth fairy doesn't pass us by...

1 comment:

MLM said...

Ethan will be delighted to see that Annabel lost a tooth! He just lost his first one this week. A little cousin of ours also lost one, and he said, "Wow! Just like me only she's wearing different clothes and she's a girl!" :-)