To get from the kitchen to the rest of the house, you have to enter the main hallway. Yes, I am aware that large center hallways are very passe and a big old waste of space, but I just love this spot! I grew up in New England, which is just brimming with beautiful colonial homes - many with center hallways. In the following picture, you can see the back door (which faces west) beyond the stairs. We also have a matching front door, and we love how the sun plays on the floor and walls in the morning and evening light.

The next shot highlights the green toile wallpaper that my Mom hung for us a few years ago. It's hard to see, but the trumeau has sheep painted at the top - perfect for our farm.
We also have our piano in the hallway, as it won't quite fit anywhere else. (Well, it does fit in our living room, but it would have to replace the wall of bookshelves, and that just wasn't going to happen!) The painting here is a canvas reproduction of my favorite painting, "La Vachere", by Theodore Robinson. The original hangs in the Baltimore Museum of Art, where I admired it for years. Jordan found this copy for my first birthday as a married girl. He searched through 22 Google search pages before he found a gallery in New Zealand that made copies. Love that man!

Around the corner from the piano is our half bathroom. As many of you know, my bestie from college, Probhita, is from India. I've visited her there a few times, and she has gifted me with many exquisite things from her home country. So, where does a Francophile with a french country house put all of these Indian finds? Well, no offense, but they have ended up in the half bath. While this may seem a travesty, I think it's completely unique, and I am also assured that almost every guest in our home has at least a few minutes of uninterrupted time to admire these treasures!
Lastly, there's the office. I spend a lot of time in this room, and it's decorated with Maine and oceanic objects. You can't really see it well in the photo below, but I have an incredible view of Mt. Dominion from my desk. Believe me, it sure is hard to stop looking out the window long enough to get work done sometimes.
Here's another view:
Not to brag, but that needlepoint in the middle of the wall was done by my Mom. It was the very first time she had done needle work, and it's amazing!