Sunday, March 24, 2013

Toy Story

We have three new inhabitants at Stonehouse Farm.  The first, Jessie, arrived a bit unexpectedly a couple weeks ago.  She has been healthy and strong from the get-go and, boy, can she eat!  (Sounds like some other youths we know). 

Jessie's compatriots, Buzz and Woodrina, blessed us with their presence yesterday morning.  These are Thane's lambies, and please don't refer to Woodrina as a girl.  Nope, Thane wanted two black rams, and he steadfastly refuses to acknowledge Woody's gender.  We have wisely acquiesced to Thane's view.  (YOU try explaining gender mechanics to a 3 year old!)
If these names sound familiar, that's intentional.  The kids decided that the theme for this year's names would be "Toy Story."  As long as it sticks to names only (i.e. we decidedly don't want anyone "poisoning the waterhole"), we should be fine.  Oh, and um, we definitely don't want to keep adding more lambs to infinity.... and beyond!
Happy Spring from Stonehouse Farm!

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