Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We realize that we live somewhat off the beaten path, so we have to get creative when it comes to enticing you to visit.  There is so much to do and see nearby, but I think that the big drawing point is the scenery and the relaxing lifestyle.  So, I’ve decided to include a few pictures of local sites to peak your interest.

(That's the second floor of our house in the background).

Beautiful, huh?   All this can be yours for the low, low price of a cross country voyage of your choice.   If you can get here, your room and board is on us.  We’ll even throw in two little tour guides for free!

1 comment:

ninety8music said...

Those are the cutest tour guides I have ever seen! I shall ask God post haste for a financial blessing so I can come have them help me chase that gorgeous rainbow...soooooo pretty, I just wanted to jump through my computer screen like it was one of the chalk drawings in "Mary Poppins". :) We miss you guys!! Thanks for all the updates! Glad to see and read that you all are doing well. :)

Love, Elita