Besides hanging out with Grandpa & Grandma, Jordan's favorite part of our trip to Wyoming was his hunting trip with Grandpa. Not wanting to waste any precious male bonding time, the boys almost immediately set off for their hunting “camp” nestled high in the peaks of the Big Horn Mountains. After unpacking and spending a few minutes scouting out potential hunting spots, Grandpa & Jordan headed back to camp for some nourishment (junk food) and refreshment (beer). A nap or two later, the boys headed back outside. After a rigorous 1/3 mile trek through open fields, they saw a cow elk and steadied their nerves long enough to actually shoot it! As it was close to dusk, the boys gutted and strung up the elk, and headed back to the cabin for more food and beer. (Hey – hunting is hard work, you know!) One good night’s sleep and truck ride later, the boys were home with their prized possession. They claimed they were too tired to cut and wrap the meat, but Grandma (bless her heart!) made sure that they did their part.

All kidding aside, the elk meat is wonderful, and it’s a great to know that we have a freezer full of food this winter – and probably next winter too! If you’ve never had elk, you should try it. It tastes and is used like beef – only better.
A few days later, we all packed up and headed back up to the mountains so that the boys could show us where they shot the elk. The hunting cabin belongs to friends of Grandpa & Grandma, and it looks out at a beautiful view of the peaks of the Big Horn Mountains.
The cabin is fully equipped, but the property also holds the most pristine and beautifully decorated outhouse I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen quite a few!):
Lastly, after letting the kids wear themselves out meandering around the mountainside, we managed to keep them sitting still just long enough to snap a photo.