Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jolly Young Giant

 Thane continues to grow and grow and grow and grow and grow...  I haven't measured him lately to be completely accurate, but I'm pretty sure that he is already 2 1/2 feet tall at almost 8 months of age.  The Jolly Young Giant is a good name for him, as he continues to be a happy little guy.
Despite the fact that he was almost a month early and subsequently suffered from some health issues, Thane is catching up quite rapidly.  He is sitting up very well and is trying his very hardest to crawl.
Like his sister, Thane is developing a love for the great outdoors.  We like to go for walks as a family, and Thane really enjoys seeing and hearing the world around us.
He's also discovered that not only is sand fun to play in, it's delicious to eat as well.  We can thank Annabel for passing along this particular rite of passage.
Most of all, he loves hanging out with Daddy, his most favorite person of all.

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