Jordan informed me that it's high time that I updated you on the progress of the farm. We have done some butchering and are now down to 10 sheep (8 ewes, 1 wether and 1 ram). They are all fine animals, but one in particular, Estelle, is especially sweet. Estelle and Annabel are buddies, and Annabel just loves going down to our temporary barn to say Hi.
Our work on the outside of the house is complete until spring. We managed to get two coats of plaster on the exterior, which leaves one coat to apply in the spring. This coat will be tinted with a lime paint, and then we'll build proper doors, shutters and paint the trim. In the meantime, the house looks like this:
The latest addition to the farm is our 4 wheeler. Jordan insists that this was only purchased for snow removal purposes, but I don't believe it for a second! He and Annabel love to take rides whenever the weather is warm enough. I suspect they'll find lots of excuses to get out this spring and summer!
Speaking of snow, we are definitely in the throes of winter. We have gotten lots of snow, although a lot of it has melted over the past few days. Annabel just loves the snow and spends as much time outdoors as we will let her (or until her hands get too cold!) It's been a bleak, gray winter here, but that's life in the north. I take heart in knowing that the days are already starting to get longer, and winter never lasts (just read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe if you don't believe me).
All the very best for 2010. Please keep in touch!
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