Thane is growing and growing and growing! He is in the 90th percentile for his height - he's already grown over 2" in his short life (er, maybe short isn't the right word)! He is such a relaxed, easy-going little guy. He smiles and "talks" all day long, and is very good natured.
Annabel turned 2 years old the week before Christmas. She can count to 15, says her ABC's, identifies colors and can sing along with me on several songs. She talks a lot now, and she does have a knack for picking up on the words we don't really want her to repeat! With a house under construction, she hears those words more than we would wish. I'm just praying that she won't one day get kicked out of preschool for having a trash mouth!! She is a lot of fun and her little sense of humor is beginning to develop.
It's also fun to watch Annabel as she starts relating to the world around her. There is one particular incident that was really sweet. In the hectic weeks leading up to Christmas, we had managed to get a Christmas tree, but I just hadn't had time to decorate it. We had been to several people's houses where Annabel was delighted with the pretty lights and beautiful ornaments on their trees. I finally stayed up late one night to decorate our tree, and I made sure that I was in the living room the next morning to watch her reaction to our newly festive tree. After a minute or two of play, Annabel finally noticed the tree. Her face lit up, she raced over to the tree, clapped her hands and shouted "Yea, Mommy - YEA!" as loud as she could. Here's a photo of Annabel at her birthday party. You can just catch a glimpse of the tree in the background.
Lastly (drum roll please!!!)................. Here's a much requested photo of the four of us. Oh well, at least the kids are cute!