Monday, December 22, 2008

Time Out

As many of you know, my sister Kim and her husband Jon have joined us out here in Colville. They bought land next to us, and they are planning to build their dream home in a couple years. In the interim, they have decided to build a small cottage in which to live. When I say small, I mean small (as in 320 sq. ft tiny). As Jordan's Dad says, "That ain't a cottage, that's a cot!"

Jordan took a break from the construction work at our house to help Jon & Kim build their cottage. It's amazing - they went from this:

to this, in just 6 days:

This photo doesn't really do the cottage justice, either. It's absolutely adorable, and I know that my sister will have the most beautiful cottage in the west by the time she is done fixing it up inside and out.

Jordan very much enjoyed getting a break from the construction of our home. He was even able to stop and enjoy the views from time to time. The sunset reflecting off the nearby mountains is just beautiful!

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