Annabel loves food. In fact, eating seems to have become one of her favorite pasttimes. I don't mind because she likes healthly food, and she eats pretty much everything that we do (ground up, of course). Speaking of "ground" food, Annabel recently acquired a tase for dirt and rocks. YUM! (Notice in the photo above how Dad and Uncle Jon are diligently watching over her as she tries this newly discovered delicacy). Her favorite food, by far, is the pear. The bigger, the better. She prefers her pears whole, and she has learned to gingerly clasp her pear under her chin where she manages to gnaw away all of the flesh, spitting out only the seed pod in the middle.
Thanks to her healthy appetite, Annabel is growing like a weed and is almost 10 months old now - YIKES! She mastered crawling, but only rested on her laurels for 5 days before she decided it would be much more fun to try to walk. Now she stands, cruises around holding onto furniture and consequently falls down all day long. She has also gotten more teeth - 3 on the top of her mouth, and she "talks" from the time she gets up until the time she goes to sleep at night. (I can't imagine where she got that from!)
She is a real goof ball, and we are enjoying her immensely.
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