Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Eight Months

Bananabel is officially eight months old, and she is starting to make her wishes and desires known in a very, um, vocal way. She is also at that stage where she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth (the photo above was taken right before she grabbed the camera in a misguided attempt to eat it!)

Speaking of eating, Annabel prefers to feed herself, thank you very much. She loves feeding herself whole steamed carrots & broccoli spears, but she refuses to touch them if they are ground up and spoon fed to her. Sigh! We've compromised by leaving a few cheerio's on her high chair that she can munch on between spoonfuls of real food. Other than that, Annabel seems to like everything you give her, as long as it's warm and isn't sweet potatoe!

The photo above was taken on the morning of her eight month birthday. She may be going through the terrible 2's a bit early, but we think we'll keep her.


Unknown said...

She will always be my special angel !
Love you, Dad Ahlquist ( Grumpa )

Unknown said...

What a little peanut! She is getting too big..... :)

-Auntie Sarah xoxo