Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Forty and Fabulous


Jordan turned 40 last week.  With the exception of a few (OK - more than a few) gray hairs, he looks, acts and (annoyingly!) has the energy of a 20 year old.  He's now at the age where we have been together longer than we have been apart.  (That milestone for me, sadly, won't come for another 12 or so years...  He tells me not to worry about it as I'll be too old to remember by then.)  😂

In a stroke of incredible fortune, Jordan had the opportunity to visit Israel the week before his birthday.  While completely unexpected and last minute, he jumped at the chance and had an incredible time.

Here are some highlights from the trip:

Caesarea Maritime:

Old school fishing on the Sea of Galilee:

Beit She'an:

Olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane:

Jerusalem from the Mt. of Olives:
the Temple Mount:
Brook of Bethesda:
the Wailing Wall:
salt at the Dead Sea:

Jordan came home changed, in all the very best ways.  We are planning to travel back to this beautiful country with the kids in the next year or so and, quite frankly, we can't wait.  God has been speaking to our hearts, and we are prayerfully considering what He might have in store for us in the next phase of life as our kids leave home and pursue their dreams.

While only God is aware of what the future may hold, I do know that there's no one else I'd rather go on adventures with!