Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Photo Finish

Oh, look.  There's more cold white stuff falling from the sky.  Another snowstorm - how lovely.  NOT!  I'm sitting at my computer, looking out my beautiful picture window, 
and I can't see the end of our driveway because the snow is falling so hard.  SIGH!

Most of our house projects have come to a screeching halt due to the cold temperatures and unwelcome precipitation, and I don't have much to report.  We've all been laid up inside with some nasty flu & cold viruses, so I'll just post some family pictures we had taken last fall.
And, just for kicks, my personal favorite:
Think spring!

Monday, March 2, 2015

We Are Surviving Just Swimmingly

In an effort to stave off cabin fever, we've started hanging out at the pool.  There's nothing quite like swimming in heated water that exercises the body, warms the soul, and helps bring back those sunny smiles.
They say that spring is right around the corner.  At the pool, I just might believe.