The ground has thawed and the grass is finally getting green. Spring is definitely in the air, and we have baby animals to prove it. Our chicks arrived earlier this week, and they are cute - and LOUD!

We also had a batch of bunnies, just in time for Easter.
Unfortunately, we had a rough year with our sheep, and we only have one surviving lamb. This little ram is plucky, and he has survived despite some major obstacles (size, bitter cold, fire, etc). In honor of our "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" year, we have named our lamb Murphy.
Although not a farm animal, we did get to see several bald and gold eagles up close and personal. This photo was taken from our house, where the eagles were helping themselves to the remains of a coyote. It's incredible to watch these majestic (and huge!) creatures.
Finally, we are all happy to finally be outside. The kids, especially, are tired of being cooped up indoors, and they could spend all day playing in the dirt and rocks if we let them.
Happy Spring!