Annabel loved the snow this year, and was disappointed when it melted away so quickly. (Our investment in lots of heavy clothes, boots and a snow plow pretty much doomed our chances of having a lot of snow this winter).
On the flip side, she has really enjoyed being able to spend a lot of time outdoors enjoying the mild winter weather. Annabel loves to exercise ("Look Mommy, I'm wunnin'!"),
and she still loves to play in the dirt and collect rocks. In fact, we plan to pay her money for every wheelbarrow full of rocks that she finds. Believe me, in our mountainous soil, there are more than enough to keep her busy for a long time. We had initially thought that we'd give her a penny per rock, but she's become really good and fast at rock-picking, and I'm not sure that we could afford her services for very long!
Lastly, Annabel still loves to be a little helper. She "helps" us clean, set the table, sweep and cook. She really likes to help her Daddy work on the house. As you can see from the photo below, Annabel often prefers to act as supervisor and is very good at inspecting Daddy's work. (The only thing missing is the butt crack!)
She has also taken a liking to helping with Thane. She lets me know when he's had a dirty diaper, loves to help out at bath time and even offers to feed him from time to time. Although she has the best intentions, Annabel's lack of focus on the task at hand often leaves Thane a bit messy and very hungry! As you can see, he's become a bit wary of her bottle-feeding abilities!