Stonehouse Farm has officially become a farm. Laverne & Joanne VQ, good friends/distant relatives of ours here in Colville, called a couple weeks ago to see if we would like some of their hens. We jumped at the chance, and Jordan came home a few hours later with 4 skittish hens and an, em, exhuberant rooster (let's just say that we shouldn't have a problem filling the coop!)

We had been hoping for some "layers," but the girls didn't seem to want to cooperate until yesterday morning when we found an egg. It's a good thing, too, because they were heading to the backyard butcher block and freezer this weekend. Now that they are producing eggs, Jordan is going to let them live awhile longer.
Jordan hopes that this is only the beginning of a huge menagerie of critters to make their home at Stonehouse Farm. I, on the other hand, am just hoping that the menagerie doesn't include too many field mice and snakes. And Annabel? She's just happy to have something to play with (whether they like it or not!)