Wednesday, July 30, 2008


As many of you know, Annabel was born with hair - a LOT of hair! (And boy, did I have the heartburn to prove it). Although she never lost any of this hair, she did end up with quite a bald spot from lying on her back all of the time. Thankfully, this is growing back, but her hairstyle continues to be, um, creative. We've suffered through the sumo wrestler stage, endured the Einstein stage, enjoyed the Side Curl Special and weathered the Double High Top Pigtail look (a favorite on hot summer days).


Annabel is growing up way too fast! In the 3 months that we have been in Washington, she has started to roll over (and over and over and over), eat solid foods, sit (and fall over) on her own and cut 2 teeth. She has also gotten quite tall (imagine that!), and has grown 6 1/2" in 7 months. She's now a long 29", and most people mistake her for a one year old. She is discovering new things every day, and she continues to provide daily entertainment for us all.

Big Beams

The whole gang helped place the second floor support beams. We needed all the help we could get, as the beams were 10"x12"x24'. Thankfully, Dad Lentz has a tractor, which enabled the gang to lift the beams to the second floor without any serious injury. The end result is great - 3 layers of rough-hewn beams. Dad Lentz also sacrificed a couple of his downed Pines to give us rustic beams over the doors to the two additions (i.e. library and pantry).

The View

We thought that we'd take a break from all of the boring construction stuff to show you a couple of the views from our house. We love it here!!!

Stone Walls

Here is Jordan and Aaron cleaning and loading up rocks that we found in the field of a neighboring farm. Maile helped Jordan place the rock, and Abby has the tedious task of mixing yards and yards of concrete. Everyone gets a bit dirty by the end of the day!

Catching Up...

So, we are finally getting around to updating you on the progress of our house. We'll post a few blogs showing the various stages of the house building, thus far.